For GPS or other transit purposes, the address of James Branch Cabell Library is 901 Park Ave, Richmond VA 23284.
For those coming by car, VCU offers various parking options, including limited on-street parking.
For those coming by bus, VCU is served by various GRTC routes, which you can map out on their Trip Planner.
We have reserved a block of hotel rooms at the Linden Row Inn (100 E. Franklin Street, Richmond VA 23219). Priority booking runs through April 20, but the rooms will be available as long after that date as they are available. To make a reservation at the Group Rate, please follow these instructions:
1. Go to the Reservations Page at
2. Select your Arrival and Departure Dates and Number of Adults
3. Enter the following Access Code for your Group to view your discounted rate: VCULIB16
4. Click on Search for Availability and Pricing
5. Select the appropriate Room Type
6. Complete Reservation Form including Contact and Payment Information
7. Click on Cancellation Policy check-box and submit the Reservation Form
If you decide to visit their website ( directly, you can also click on Reservations and follow the instructions above.
Where to Eat
Many local options exist for food and drink in Cabell Library, near Linden Row, and beyond. Here are a few establishments where the organizers have enjoyed eating in past…
Near Cabell Library
Ipanema @IpanemaVeg Vegan/vegetarian two blocks away
Mojo’s @MojosRVA Cheesesteaks, wings, bar food
Harrison St. Cafe @harrisonstcafe “Good eats, no meats” cafe
postbellum @postbellumrva New American, craft beer, outdoor seating
Rancho T Latin American fusion
821 Cafe Modern American, breakfast all day
Near Linden Row
Perly’s @perlysrichmond Casual dining, lines on weekends, beloved by locals for breakfasts.
Capital Ale House @CapitalAleHouse Craft beer, upscale brewpub food
Pasture @pasturerva Southern eats, craft beer, Virginia-inspired cocktails
Rappahannock @rappahannockrva upscale seafood, Virginia oysters, yummy cocktails
about the conditional != undefined, that is just how it should be. the first condition… if (loadLevel.getBytesLoaded()>=loadLevel.getBytesTotal())… should decompose to… if (undefined >= undefined)–which is always true– when loadLevel (_level2) has not started loading… and that would be the situation for a couple of _level0.enterFrames… so that condition is necessary.btw… nice blog u have here
Ausgezeichnete Analyse dessen, was passiert in dieser kafkaesken Universums, unter der Schirmherrschaft des Grotesken Verwaltungsbürokratie, Das ist sehr lustig, aber zur gleichen Zeit dramatisch, weil es genau die Wahrheit ist.Unsere Firma ist ein Opfer von zwei schweren Krankheiten;AIDS und Bürokratie. Es kann kommen, um AIDS zu beenden.Stier.
Great stuff! the feature length films in combination with the new technology that brings Youtube to the TV would be a perfect combination…These videos are not longer here, but the screening is still there