Category Archives: Your Categories Are Inadequate

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Where does the tech we use fail us?

From the theme for this THATCamp, especially the intersection of technology with activism and sharing of hidden voices, I’d like to get a frank list of particular points how the technologies we’ve used fail us — how does a particular technology hide voices even more? how does it hinder activism? how does it homogenize populations and fail to meet the particular needs of audiences and users, especially in the modern American South?

This isn’t an anti-technology rant session — it comes from the idea that technologies aren’t neutral, and so exposing precisely where and how that comes into play in our work will help make the technologies serve us better, and might even play as a foil for understanding the activism, voices, and populations we work with even more.

If we have enough coders, we might even address some of it, or at least put together a plan for addressing it!