Category Archives: Workshops

Posts describing skills training workshops to be offered.

Vim for Digital Humanists: Editing Academia’s Incomprehensible Prose at the Speed of Thought

Vim is one of the most popular text editors for editing code, but it can also serve as a powerful tool for humanists writing/editing prose. With Markdown and Pandoc, plain text academic research has now become a viable option allowing your work to not only be sustainable but available everywhere. Unfortunately, Vim has a notoriously difficult learning curve. In this session, we will examine the cons and benefits of Vim for writing prose, look at basic commands, go through “vimtutor” together, overview some popular plugins, learn how to edit Vim settings, and of course, disparage Emacs.

Proposals, Workshops, and Hotels

Greetings, campers!

  • Have you submitted a proposal for THATCamp New Souths 2016 yet? We’re about a week and a half out, and it’s time to start thinking about putting on your proposing cap. We’ll narrow down our list on Saturday the 30th as necessary, but for now it’s wide open. Who will be first? Will it be the kind of session where we discuss, play, make, or teach something? Or will it fit the ever-popular “Your Categories Are Inadequate” category?


  • Workshops will be happening on Friday, April 29th, starting at 1:00 p.m. We’re still working out which room’s best for what, and more official titles & descriptions down the road, but to whet your appetite, topics will include…
    • Track A (1pm-5pm)
      • 1-2:50 Publishing Makerspace
      • 3-5 Design & Writing For The Web
    • Track B (1pm-5pm)
      • 1-2:50 Omeka
      • 3-5 GitHub