Vim is one of the most popular text editors for editing code, but it can also serve as a powerful tool for humanists writing/editing prose. With Markdown and Pandoc, plain text academic research has now become a viable option allowing your work to not only be sustainable but available everywhere. Unfortunately, Vim has a notoriously difficult learning curve. In this session, we will examine the cons and benefits of Vim for writing prose, look at basic commands, go through “vimtutor” together, overview some popular plugins, learn how to edit Vim settings, and of course, disparage Emacs.
I’m a fan of things that move humanists beyond the word processor! Sounds fun!
eleg hasonlot ettem egesz nyaron, csak habszifon hijan felvert teznhisjabot es joghurtot kevetem el mezzel es citrommal, mindig ujra meglepodtem, mennyire finom, nem tudtam megunni
Rufus,"I noticed he didn't say anything about the $50 Billion in subsidies to fossil fuel companies last year."Itemize those "subsidies" for me. When it comes to Big Oil, I find the "subsidies" liberals complain about usually mean the deductions and write-offs most other businesses utilize.
Great post! I love Fr Barron and will be making as much use as I can of his Catholicism series this year. I also love Cardinal Dolan’s list for the year which includes smiling. So many ate drawn to the faith by the cheerful and kind demeanour of the messenger. I feel so hopeful that this year is going to turn a nee page right across the world.
Geez, that’s unbelievable. Kudos and such.